Viola Bow

Instruments displayed are a representation of the instruments we typically carry. Actual inventory on hand will vary. Please stop by our store to try our many instruments, bows and accessories. BUILD YOR OWN OUTFIT: Receive 20% off a case and bow of your choice with the purchase of a viola.
  • Resonance Fiberglass Viola Bow
    Resonance Fiberglass Viola Bow

    While designed with durability in mind, the Resonance Fiberglass Bows provide a high level of performance and responsiveness. These bows are complimented by an ebony frog with mother of pearl inlays and slide and nickel finishes. Each bow comes with authentic Siberian horse hair. Viola Bow $69.

    Model: BAFG
    Manufacturer: Resonance
  • Resonance Pernambuco Viola Bow
    Resonance Pernambuco Viola Bow

    The Resonance Pernambuco Viola Bows are hand-crafted by skilled bow makers in China with authentic Brazilian Pernambuco wood and Mongolian horse hair. They feature excellent flexibility, response and balance. These are a perfect upgrade for intermediate students. Each bow is priced individually from $395-$595.

    Model: 200
    Manufacturer: Resonance
  • Resonans Viola Bow-Composite
    Resonans Viola Bow-Composite

    Model: 2302
    Manufacturer: Resonans
    Price: $225.00
  • Winlong Pernambuco Viola Bows
    Winlong Pernambuco Viola Bows

    The Winlong Pernambuco Violin bows are hand-crafted by accomplished bow makers in China with select Brazilian Pernambuco wood and Mongolian horse hair. They feature excellent flexibility, response and balance. Each bow is a skilled copy of a famous bow by a maker such as Sartory or Peccatte. Viola bows are individually priced from $695-$1295.

    Model: BAWINLONG
    Manufacturer: Winlong